This is a scary time for immigrant families in New Mexico. The President campaigned on a virulently anti-immigrant, xenophobic platform that we’re now seeing it enacted through his unconstitutional and immoral executive orders targeting immigrants and refugees as well as increased immigration crackdowns in our communities.
In New Mexico, we’ve learned that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents conducted sweeps through communities in Southern New Mexico this week, and today we’re hearing reports that ICE is conducting immigration stops in Albuquerque’s immigrant-rich South Valley neighborhood. Understandably, this has many immigrant families frightened and unsure what their rights are when they are approached by immigration agents.
No matter what your immigration status, you have rights when interacting with law enforcement. Below are links to a one page ‘Know Your Rights’ card—available in several languages—that will provide guidance on how to protect yourself if you are stopped, questioned about your immigration status by law enforcement, or taken into custody.
English | (Arabic) العَرَبِيَّة | 中文(简) (Chinese) | فارسی (Farsi)Français (French) | Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)
한국어 (Korean) | Soomaali (Somali) | Español (Spanish)
Urdu ) اُردُو | Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
The ACLU of New Mexico also has this information available in English and Spanish in wallet-sized cards for those who wish to take their rights with them on the go. While supplies last, these cards are available by request at [email protected].
If you feel safe doing so, we are asking anyone who encounters an ICE checkpoint to document their interaction using the ACLU of New Mexico Mobile Justice App so the ACLU can gather any evidence of possible unconstituional or illegal activity by ICE agents. As always, if you or someone you know believes that your rights were violated during an interaction with an immigration agent, contact the ACLU of New Mexico through our legal intake form. The ACLU has been a fierce and dedicated advocate for the rights of immigrants throughout our nearly 100 years of existence, and we remain committed through these troubling times.