The ACLU of New Mexico (ACLU-NM) requests proposals from qualified Consultant(s) or Firms that have experience working with nonprofit organizations and/or public agencies to assist its Board of Directors with improving its performance evaluation process for the Executive Director. This process includes developing and facilitating board and staff surveys, recommending performance measures based on feedback received, and communicating results to the board of directors. 

The first goal of this project is to collect and analyze effective and constructive feedback to the Executive Director to improve his ability to perform his duties, set goals for his work, and to support a high level of engagement with the board and staff of ACLU-NM that informs the Executive Director’s evaluation in a thoughtful and appropriate way. The second goal of this project is for the consultant to provide an analysis and recommendations for improving the Executive Director evaluation timelines, processes, standards, and overall evaluation process, which will construct the foundation for subsequent performance evaluations.

About the ACLU-NM

The ACLU-NM is the state affiliate of the ACLU, the nation’s premier civil rights and civil liberties organization. The purpose of ACLU-NM is to protect and advance justice, liberty and equity as guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.  ACLU-NM works to make justice, liberty, and equity realities for all people in New Mexico, with particular attention to the rights of people and groups who have historically been disenfranchised. For more information, please visit


Prior to performance discussions, the board wants feedback from staff to provide meaningful performance discussions and for consideration when developing performance measures and goals for the subsequent evaluation period. This will be a new process for the ACLU-NM board and staff. The ACLU-NM is looking for both guidance and support during this process. The selected consultant will design, conduct, and analyze the staff survey and report the results to the board. In addition to conducting the survey, the consultant may serve as a subject matter expert and assist the ACLU-NM with improving its Executive Director performance evaluation processes. The final work product will include a written summary of the data received from the process without identifying individual respondents. The document should identify common themes and highlight specific areas where efforts are effective and/or improvement is needed. The Consultant should recommend relevant performance measures based on the information received from the survey and best practices for executive performance management. In addition to providing the final work products detailed above, the Consultant must provide support to the board throughout the performance evaluations and explain processes and answer questions related to the surveys and recommendations as necessary. 


To be considered for full evaluation and possible award, Consultants must meet the minimum qualifications as follows: - Consultant demonstrates regular and continuous engagement in the business of organizational development, performance measures, strategic planning, and/or related fields for at least five (5) years prior to the time they submit a proposal.




1.  We are looking for a consultant who can help us design and execute staff feedback into the evaluation process.

2. Conduct a fair and equitable evaluation that negates bias from extreme views and provides for candid and constructive feedback about the Executive Director’s performance. The information will be used to provide feedback to the Executive Director.

3. The projected scope and timeline for this project are expected to be discussed and determined with the vendor who is awarded the contract, and the general timeline is 6 Months.

4. The Board is looking for an independent consultant to analyze the evaluation responses for the purpose of establishing a framework for Executive Director evaluation that is not reinvented each year.  The board is looking for a process that reaches a consensus. The board is interested in the Executive Director’s communication effectiveness with staff and board. The evaluation process should board members’ common threads, comments, and impressions written in their evaluation responses. It should also include such considerations from staff. In the end, it should provide an opportunity for board and staff to contribute insights about the Executive Director’s performance, while protecting the integrity of the process and professional boundaries between staff and board. 


To express interest in this RFP, please submit the following:

  • A brief description of your firm or practice, including a short introduction to you/your
  • team and a brief description of prior nonprofit strategic planning and facilitation
  • experience. Please include 2-3 examples of similar projects you have worked on.
  • An overview of how you would address the objectives outlined in this RFP.
  • Proposed budget, including expected number of hours and timeline to complete the project. The estimated budget range for this project is $10,000 to $15,000.
  • Three references, ideally from previous clients.
  • In accordance with ACLU-NM’s vendor policy, applicants may be asked to fill out a brief EDIB vendor screening survey.

Please submit inquiries and proposals to James Martin, Co-Chair, Governance Committee, ACLU-NM Board, at [email protected]. Submissions close on May 24, 2023, but will be reviewed on a rolling basis. We value your time and effort in responding to this request.