Today’s ruling represents a major step towards ensuring that Arizonans and residents of our own state do not suffer the indignity of being targeted by police because of their physical appearance or the language they speak.  By blocking the most controversial provisions of the law, the judge has reaffirmed that immigration regulation is the sole province of the federal government.  Arizona’s frustration with immigration laws cannot be allowed to steer our country towards a state-by-state patchwork of immigration laws that disregards basic American values and undermines effective community policing.
SB 1070 is symptomatic of the reactionary approach that for decades has failed to resolve concerns about immigration and that only has succeeded in creating misery in the lives of thousands of immigrant families.  Today’s decision moves us one step closer to addressing this issue with fairness and humanity, so that immigrants can come out of the shadows, learn English, openly pay taxes and contribute to the advancement of our country.
Read the judge's decision here.