The special legislative session on public safety starts tomorrow, with many harmful bills proposed by the governor. The proposals threaten the rights, dignity, health, and autonomy of New Mexicans across our state.

We all want to live in safe communities, but the bills the governor is proposing will not advance public safety.

Your support is crucial in this fight. 

There are countless issues with the individual bills proposed. There is also an obvious bigger problem connecting them all: their dependency on punishment, force, and incarceration to fix issues that require a public health approach.

Rushed proposals without meaningful community input and dialogue will be disastrous for communities that need real support, not more mass incarceration.

There is bipartisan consensus that this special session will be futile, with a few short days not being sufficient to pass such complex legislation. We still call on the governor to cancel the session, gather input from community advocates and issue area experts, and come back with proposals that will actually help in the regular session next January.