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Micah McCoy, (505) 266-5915 x1003 or

April 6, 2017

ALBUQUERQUE, NM—Today Gov. Martinez vetoed the Restricted Housing Act, (House Bill 175) sponsored by Rep. Moe Maestas.

Advocates in support of the bill issued the following statements:

“We are disappointed that the Governor has vetoed these commonsense reforms to how we use solitary confinement in our state. Her misinformed veto is especially concerning given that AFSCME, the labor union representing corrections officers in New Mexico, endorsed this bill with the understanding that it would restrict the use of this dangerous practice while continuing to protect the safety and security of New Mexico’s detention facilities,” said Steve Allen, Director of Public Policy at the ACLU of New Mexico.

 “It’s unfortunate that Gov. Martinez would veto legislation that would protect pregnant inmates, children, and inmates with severe mental illness from solitary confinement, which can cause deep physical and psychological harm to those who are subjected to it,” said Cathy Ansheles, with the New Mexico Criminal Defense Lawyers Association.