The White House announced an impending executive action that will severely restrict the legal right to seek asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border. The plan will halt asylum for most arrivals when daily encounters average 2,500, reopening only when they drop to 1,500. 

We need solutions for border challenges, but these actions will put thousands at risk. They won't fix our broken immigration system and violate the welcoming values of New Mexicans and the American people. 

This policy, similar to a Trump-era ban the ACLU successfully challenged, fast-tracks deportations, endangering vulnerable people seeking protection. 

The ACLU will challenge this in court. It was illegal under Trump, and it's illegal now. 

Voters largely reject enforcement-only policies. Advocates call for humane solutions, like better processing at entry points and investing in immigration courts. 

We urge the administration to restore asylum and address border challenges with adequate resources. It’s morally right and good politics.